The Rising of Infected Power

Screen Shot 2014-01-26 at 11.02.03 AM

This is a found poem I created  for the rising action of the novel World War Z by Max Brooks. The poem came from pages 198- 199.  This poem describes what many people who have not been yet infected by the plague are going through. Having lost their beloved families, treasures and their life, many don’t have the will to push on any further. “The living dead had taken more from us than land and loved ones. They’d robbed us from our confidence as the plant’s dominant life form. We were a shaken, broken species, driven to the edge of extinction and grateful only for a tomorrow with perhaps a little less suffering than today,” (267). With the world about to enter the verge of human extinction in the rising action many people have nothing to live for anymore. Survivors knew that the end was near and gave up all hope. However, were the zombies a wake up call for our species? Were they meant to bring us back to the life of to survive you most fight? “Maybe in the end, they had brought justice for the future,” (266).


Featured image found at this site


4 thoughts on “The Rising of Infected Power

  1. Alvin

    Hi Sam,
    I really like how you drew a picture of a person infected by the plague. Just curious, did that come from your imagination or was that a drawing in the book? The infected drawing and the background color really add to the dark and dangerous mood of your found poem. Also, the quotes that you added in the paragraph and the words that you highlighted in the poem really contributed to the reader’s perspective of what the people in the book were feeling. One part in your found poem that was really interesting to me was where you said “voices with you, were standing deck, looking brown haze, waiting sunrise never see”. I may be wrong but to me, that sounds like the people could hear and sense the infected coming but not be able to see them. I can relate to that how sometimes I get that sixth sense feeling where I sometimes sense and feel someone watching me. I am not entirely sure how to explain that feeling but some people might have had that same experience before. One last thing, what would you have felt like if you were in the book “World War Z”? Would you be brave and fight the infected or would you be frightened and scared?

  2. Samuel Post author

    Hey Alvin,

    Thanks for the comment. The zombie from my found poem is what I thought a zombie in the novel would look like. Also you were correct about how people can sense the infected coming their way even if they are not visible.I sometimes can too sense something like someone is watching me or if something bad might happen.”One last thing, what would you have felt like if you were in the book “World War Z”? If I were in the novel World War Z I would be absolutely terrified. Zombies have nothing in their brain. They have no fear. You can’t stop a zombie or talk it out from doing what is wired in it’s brain. It has one goal only to feed itself. “Would you be brave and fight the infected or would you be frightened and scared?” I think I would a bit of both (Maybe a bit to the frightened side). I think if I were ever to come to a situation like in the novel World War Z, I would try to survive and live as long as I can and when the day would come when I died or was killed I would have been proud that I would have tried to live a bit longer.

  3. Brandon

    Your description of zombies seems similar to the effects of rabies on humans. It spreads so easily. Fortunately, there is a cure for rabies.

    “Maybe in the end, they had brought justice for the future” (266).

    I think that the Zombies are just an unfortunate event. It has the potential to eliminate the human race as we know it but as has happened with other diseases like the black plague, cures can be found. Do you think that there are any diseases, plagues or viruses that have the potential to eliminate the entire human race?

  4. Samuel Post author

    Hey Brandon,

    Thanks for the comment. “Do you think that there are any diseases, plagues or viruses that have the potential to eliminate the entire human race?” Yes and no. Well not currently, and if we think about a bit deeper I am quite sure that if things like a zombie virus spread there are always a few survivors. The worst possible situation, however, would be a airborne disease that spreads and in the air and gave zero percent chance of survival. There are no disease like this yet and lets hope there will not be for a long time to come.


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