Memes that Woof

Cesar Millan, or the Dog Whisper from the T.V channel National Geographic, has changed many owners and dogs lives forever towards the better side. In the Novel What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell, Gladwell has pulled out some his best writing from the New Yorker and one, explaining the complicated life of Cesar Millian. The Memes below depicted the many challenges and obstacles Cesar has faced in his life and training dogs.

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My first meme, “Sheltering Suburban Mom,” describes what many dog owners in the US feel towards their dogs. Cesar Millan is brought to a home in one of his episodes, where a Chihuahua named Bandit is seemed to be more favored than the owners own son. “It is all about him. He (The Dog) owns you,” (147).

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The Second meme describes the way in certain places dogs are treated to the equivalent of children. Not only did Bandit (From the previous meme) go through three dog trainers and fail them all, his owner still thinks of him as “Our baby. He was in need of being nurtured and helped and he was scared all the time,” (147).

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The Third meme, The awesome social awkward penguin, depicts that Cesar Millan does not only train dogs in his show. He also trains Human. If the owner of a dog does not takeΒ  the roles that is needed to take care of a dog, the dog does not behaves well, and becomes out of control.

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My last meme, Futurama Fry, shows that even though Cesar was a great dog trainer, he did have his own flaws. “Cesar related to dogs because he didn’t connect to people,” (146). He and his wife had to attend therapy sessions and his wife threatened to divorce him if he refused to attended. He also almost tried to commit suicide after their divorce, however, he was able to get back on his feet and begin to live his life again.

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2 thoughts on “Memes that Woof

  1. Grace

    Hey Sam!
    I thought your multimedia was very entertaining and it made me laugh. πŸ˜€ It looks like you have spent some time on making these memes match up with your book. I feel like I can almost relate to the first meme because I think my mom likes me dog more than me. πŸ˜€ But then I think about it and realize how stupid that sounds. “where a Chihuahua named Bandit is seemed to be more favored than the owners own son. β€œIt is all about him. He (The Dog) owns you,” (147). I think your memes connect very well to your storyline and I enjoyed it a lot. πŸ™‚


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