An Encounter With Success

Have you ever been playing basketball, football or soccer and noticed that the (e.g Basketball) ball is very dirty? Do you want something more than just the ordinary soap and water? Well wait no more! The Ultra- Play Cleaner is the product meant for you!


Today I believe was one of our best days so far in our project.  We were able to create our final prototype  (50 ml of glue, 15ml of Laundry Starch, 14ml of Borax, 4 Drops of Green and 4 Drops of Blue). After creating our final prototype, our group went outside to test our prototype, “Ultra-play Cleaner”and it turned out to be a success.

Last class, we worked on creating a prototype for testing, and today we put it to the test. We went outside with a basketball and threw it into all kinds of things from sand to dirt to mud. We then, of course shot a couple hoops, and tested our product. It turned out that it not only cleaned the basketball It also add more grip to the ball. After all the tests we have done, we have final encountered success. We didn’t stop there though. Not only did we prove that our prototype worked, we also filmed our advisement video.  Today as been a day of success for our group, and next class we will put it all together on a keynote/PowerPoint and share to our classmates after spring break.

From our test, I have learned that our product, “Ultra-Play Cleaner”, is a very flexible and sticky substance, just as we wanted it to be. From a examination of the ingredients (50 ml of glue, 15ml of Laundry Starch, 14ml of Borax, 4 Drops of Green and 4 Drops of Blue), we can see which ingredients add the different characteristics to our “Ultra- Play Cleaner”. The 50ml of glue was the base of our ingredients, which added the stickiness to our product.  After pouring the 50ml of glue in the testing cup, the 15ml of laundry starch added more liquid to the substance. Then came the 14ml of Borax which added the flexible and also took a bit of that liquid fro the laundry starch out of the substance and gave it more thickness. Even though we have basic ingredients, they have been proven to work together.

“Is the “Ultra- Play Cleaner” reusable (Same question from previous journal)? If so how many times can it be used before disposable? How much are we going to sell in one package/amount? Can it add grip and clean other materials?

*** Below are images of our prototype, “Ultra- Play Cleaner” ***

IMG_4968 IMG_4999



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