Star Wars, Punch Buggy and Evian Roller Babies, Three Ads That Resonated With Me

Commercials. You love them and hate them. Watching your favorite TV show or a movie when out of nowhere a commercial comes on just when an important thing was about to be unraveled. Commercials can be viewed as many things. Down right random (Roller Babies), humorous (Punch buggy) and inspirational (Microsoft Superbowl Commercial). Over the hours and hours I have watched TV, I have seen a countless amount of commercials and have finally come down to three that I have found the most interesting.


The Force: Volkswagen 2011 Super Bowl Commercial

As a veteran Star- Wars fan, this commercial was something I have always remembered. It is always the first thing I think about when the word “Commercial is used”. When I was young I used to also walk around in outfits from Batman to Darth Vader, and this commercial was something that I could relate my early childhood too.


Evian Roller Babies: Evian Commercial

The first time I saw this commercial on YouTube, I could not believe my eyes. Babies roller skating doing back-flips of ledges at Central Park. What could be more random? The most peculiar thing about this commercial was that it was for the water brand Evian. However,  I know that it grabbed my and the 74 million other peoples attention that have watched the commercial.

Punch Buggy: Volkswagen 2010 Superbowl Commercial

Punch Buggy. A long lived tradition by many people around the world. The reason I chose this commercial was because of how I could relate to it, just as in the first commercial, The Force. I don’t know if it just me, however, most Volkswagen commercial have always had a way to remind me something of my past. In the case of the Punch Buggy, I used to play this game with my friends and was something I really enjoyed doing on road trips across the United States (By the way, when I was young we used to have a Volkswagen, and I guess from that you know what happen).

3 thoughts on “Star Wars, Punch Buggy and Evian Roller Babies, Three Ads That Resonated With Me

  1. Alvin

    Hi Sam,
    I thought that the “Punch Buggy” commercial by Volkswagen included the technique of humor because it showed many different people just punching each other. It was extremely funny when the little kid punched his grandpa and when the pregnant wife punched her husband. Another technique would be bandwagon because this commercial is telling us that everybody has Volkswagen cars and so we should buy our own too.

  2. Tommy

    Hi Sam, in my opinion I liked the Evian water commercial the best because it was humorous and it showed me many different examples of subtext. For example, the ad suggests that if you drink Evian youth Water you’ll turn in to a cool baby who can awesome skateboard tricks at central park.

  3. Brandon

    When I watched the Evian Roller Babies: Evian Commercial I was amazed. Dancing Babies, what’s next? This video has a mix of humor, Bandwagon, and Explicit claim. The commercial used humor, repetition, popular music, and the symbol of youth (babies) to support their slogan of ” Live Young.” It seemed effective.


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