About Me

The MP3 recording above is my This I Believe Essay, which is about my passion for Hockey.  My This I Believe is about the underlying values and qualities that I believe hockey has, both in and out of the ice-hockey rink. Enjoy!

My life could be described as a roller coaster of ups, downs, bumps and loops. So far it has been fascinating, and hopefully there are a lot more things coming along the track (Preferably more the “Ups” than “Downs”). However, I can tell you this; any good ride must have surprises along the way.

If there were a way to describe my personality, I would choose the word unconventional.  I would rather be outside in the rain playing soccer with my friends than to be inside and waiting for the rain to end. If you want to know one thing about me, it would be the fact that I enjoy doing things that are not generally done.

My likes and dislikes? Well, I like more things than I dislike. Most of my hobbies consist of sports such as tennis and hockey and to be honest I enjoy playing any sport even if I am not the best.  I also appreciate a good book-like all of Dan Browns novels, the Mysterious Bendict Society, and the Hero’s of Olympus. As a reader I tend to genres like Thrillers, Action and sometimes-historical fiction.   As an 8th grade writer, I enjoy writing in a persuasive tone; however, I hardly ever write in my free time and try to finish all my other writing assignments that are actually due.

If the roller coaster didn’t have its ups, downs, bumps and loops and would just be a straight track, I would tell you this, ‘’that rides will not have any surprise along the way’’.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Justin

    I like the way you described your life as a roller coaster ride. And i also read all the Heroes of Olympus series.


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