Tag Archives: Ordinary

"August through a peephole"

  “Courage. Kindness.  These are quality that defines us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.” ( R.J Palacio). August Pullman is an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face.  August was born with facial deformity, which had prevented him from going to “Mainstream” school until now.  August does ordinary things that a ten-year old would do. “ I eat ice cream. I ride my bike.  I have an Xbox. “ (3) This was not enough to convince his classmates that he could be considered “Ordinary”. However, there are always a few classmates who step up and don’t think about August’s looks. “They try to find something that has been buried in the astronaut helmet he wore practically every day of the year” (93), and bring it out of him.  They would face their fear to become August’s friend.  If you were ever the new kid at school you would understand how hard it is to belong. “ When given the choice between being right or being kind. Chose kind. (48) This is showed when Summer sat with August at lunch when know one else would even come close to him. Kindness is not something you are born with, it is something you chose to do. “If every person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary – the world really would be a better place”.  (R.J Palacio) Will August be able to survive his first year in middle school, and convince his classmates that he is ordinary, despite his appearance? What kind of person would you be?


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