Tag Archives: Zombie War

The Rising of Infected Power

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This is a found poem I created  for the rising action of the novel World War Z by Max Brooks. The poem came from pages 198- 199.  This poem describes what many people who have not been yet infected by the plague are going through. Having lost their beloved families, treasures and their life, many don’t have the will to push on any further. “The living dead had taken more from us than land and loved ones. They’d robbed us from our confidence as the plant’s dominant life form. We were a shaken, broken species, driven to the edge of extinction and grateful only for a tomorrow with perhaps a little less suffering than today,” (267). With the world about to enter the verge of human extinction in the rising action many people have nothing to live for anymore. Survivors knew that the end was near and gave up all hope. However, were the zombies a wake up call for our species? Were they meant to bring us back to the life of to survive you most fight? “Maybe in the end, they had brought justice for the future,” (266).


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