Tag Archives: Mt. Everest

Into the Arms of Death

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In the novel “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer, eleven mountain climbers come to Nepal to chase their dreams to climb the most challenging and tallest mountain of all. Mt. Everest. However, this is an accomplishment that many have died trying for. “Ascending Everest is a long, tedious process, more like a mammoth construction project than climbing as I’d previously known it” (77). Everest is a death trap to any slight human error. With Icefalls and deadly avalanches around the corner, you will be sent plummeting down to the bottom of the mountain. “ The ratio of misery to pleasure was greater by an order of magnitude than any other mountain I’ve been on; I quickly came to understand that climbing Everest was primary enduring pain. “ (40). By making the photos in my collage black and white it was able to show how challenging Mt. Everest was to undertake.  This team of climbers has to face the continuous Human vs. Nature during their ascent up Everest.  The climbers than realize that nothing is equivalent to the power of a single natural disaster.  With eleven mountain climbers all reaching for their dream,  “ I think it’s pretty unlikely that we’ll get through this season with something bad happening up high (104).”

Citations for Images:

Into Thin Air: by Jon Krakauer



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